Day before the gig, Accuweather said zero chance of rain. Zero. Venue manager texted “looks like a great day for music!”
10:00 am, day of the gig, Accuweather still said no chance of rain.
2:00 pm, they allowed for a possibility of rain, but long after our gig was supposed to be over.
4:00 pm, started setting up for the 6:00 start. Some clouds, but nothing on radar. By 5:00 radar showed some rain, but going north of us.
5:15 pm, Whammo! Instant Hurricane! Within a couple of minutes we were drenched. We hurriedly threw plastic bags over speakers, tarps over amps, covers over drums, threw small stuff back into the trailer. Stands blew over. It poured buckets – no, swimming pools – for 15 minutes. The guy from the hot dog truck ran over to try to help, but there was nothing anybody could do. Our equipment was water logged, the event cancelled, a big tree toppled over.
5:30 pm, the rain stopped, Ben came to the rescue with a huge bag of towels, we loaded our soggy stuff in the trailer and left, dazed and dripping.
7:00 pm, back home to start unloading and tearing apart equipment. Disassembled cabinets, microphones, cables, amps. Lots of blow-drying with compressor hose.
2:30 am all equipment wiped down and water blown out, covers and bags left to dry. Took off wet clothes and hit the sack.
Ah, the glamorous life of rock stars!